
Consulting for mills

Consulting for industrial mills

We know your needs and requirements. Here are some issues that we usually deal with:

  • Comparison to market
  • Finding solutions as soon as possible
  • Reducing costs while maintaining the same performance
  • Food safety
Finding solutions as soon as possible

Very often we are facing reological problems or final product performance problems that, to be quickly resolved, must be shared and analyzed by a team of experts.

Each chemical-physical rheological’s aspect (W, p/l, Ie, absorption, stability, develop time, softness grade, energy, extensibility, resistance, amilogram, ash content, protein, colour, viscosity, particle size etc) and product’s performance (texture, colour, shape, honeycomb structure, shelf-life, workability, crispness, hardness, chewiness, gumminess, crumb structure, malleability, dryness issues, browning, weight and taste) can be related to different aspects:

– Quality of raw materials

– Process

– Equipment

Solving a problem on a random basis is not sustainable. We must immediately choose the right way to get straight to the cause and hence to solve the problem.

What can we offer:

  • Analysis of possible causes and an assessment of possible solutions
  • Design/calibration of wheat or flour blend: each component must be well evaluated and reasoned in the recipe in order to prevent the excessive action/characteristic of one to be compensated by the other to reach your final goal. Very often the same goals can be achieved in different ways.
  • Developing of production protocols: operating instructions to storage and select, operating instructions to blend wheat or flour, operating instructions to sample and control quality, operating instructions to pack or load bulk, operating instructions on how to transfer flour
  • Training your staff to interpret and correlate the performance of the finished product with the quality of the material or with the possible factors that govern it.
Comparison to market

Today many ingredients are commodities related to electronic markets (e.g Chicago Board of Trade and Matif) and levels of world stock. Finally, to correlate the value with the quality required, both from the rheological and food safety point of view, can become complex if there is lack a broad and global vision of the problems. Furthermore, climate change is becoming an important factor to considerate in the evaluation as well as availability and quality of a certain raw materials required over time. Knowing value of your product in a constantly evolving market is fundamental.

What can we offer:

  • Market valuation
  • Evaluation of possible substitutes: very often the same objectives can be achieved with different components.
Reducing costs while maintaining the same performance

Very often the same productive performances can be achieved through particular processes or particular analysis which highlight the real parameters that affect the quality of final product.

Today, to achieve effective and efficient solutions, it is essential to rely on those who have a broad vision of processes (raw material costs, availability and reliability of raw materials, process and logistic costs, compare quality and cost, repeatability and reproducibility of the solutions proposed. The right devices standardize production, creating efficiency and yield.


What can we offer:

  • Economic evaluation in order to understand if there are additional cost margins that can be reduced.
  • Design/calibration of wheat or flour blend: each component must be well evaluated and reasoned in the recipe in order to prevent the excessive action/characteristic of one to be compensated by the other to reach your final goal. Very often the same goals can be achieved in different ways.
  • Developing of production protocols: operating instructions to storage and select, operating instructions to blend wheat or flour, operating instructions to sample and control quality, operating instructions to pack or load bulk, operating instructions on how to transfer flour
Food safety

Today, assessing whether your quality system is adequate for the risks that threaten food safety, is crucial. It is important to check adopted solutions or the solutions that you are going to adopt and have someone who knows the raw materials, the processes and the production chain. Today the solutions to be sustainable and effective must be well evaluated in every aspect, in order to have adequate financial and human resources to evaluate and face the real risks that you are taking. This is the only way you can effectively reduce the risk.

What can we offer:

  • Elaboration or evaluation of your quality system
  • Developing of sampling plans and operational instructions in order to better control the risk
  • Developing quality control protocols: it is essential to understand which analysis are necessary and how often they are to be carried out to guarantee your finished product.
Bakery and Pasta Consulting

Vicolo Pernino 157 46019 Viadana (MN)


+39 338 52 42 438

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